Tuesday 8 March 2016


After the completion of my first solo trip ever, there a lot many things i came across throughout this journey.
& For that matter, a solo traveler is actually not solo when travel.
Rather, she is surrounded by 100s of thoughts running in her mind midst of unknown people.
And for me, this solo travelling has taught me a lot. I ll brief each & every matter i deal with while i was on travel.
Having that adrenaline rush in you is must if you want to travel solo. The excitement has to be within you when you are making for it because at the end what all is affected by your mood only.
At first when i reached Goa Airport, i was on Cloud 9 as it was just like a dream come true.
No matter what, but if the local people gt to know that you are a tourist here, fasten up your breath then; because they are going to charge heavily here.

An when you know, you have ample of time, then yu can consult the expert there i.e security police, for each info. related to the site.
But being a girl at other place, far off from your home, you need to be extra concerned & safe, especially when it is going to be dark.
I took the cab & searched for the best hotel room along with the taxi driver.It took time & made me lil irk finding the budget accommodation.
& when i got the room, i threw my luggage there & ran to the beach side, BAGA!!
The scene is still so clear in my mind. Beautiful & radium light theme shacks at the beach side, the offshore sea waves touching your feet make you amazed for few moments.
I took almost 10 mins to make myself believe & realize that – Hey, i am in Goa.
I never suppose Goa to be the part of India. Its so different from the other states.
You get to meet people from different race altogether ( Russians, South Indians, Americans ).
There, i hired an activa for 1 day & roam around the streets & corners of Goa wherever i could make my presnce. Went to all beaches of North Goa – Anjuna cum Marijuna Beach, Baga, Siquerium, Calungate & Candolim from south.
1 phrase for all – Difference lies in all the beaches. Not all beaches are the same. You must pay special visit to each one of it.
& for that matter, when i saw Calungate Beach – the 1st scene that hit my mind was, Haridwar.
You could see 95% of south indian at mass at that beach.

At one end of Baga, you ll see foriegners in shorts, biknis 👙 & at the other end of Calungate, you ll observe south indians in saaris or whatever stuff they are wearing, they ll dive in the water with the same. 😮😮
I loved the Goan markets showcasing dam cool stuffs everywhere. Also the people at Goa are v helpful, supportive,happy go lucky,jolly natured, especially men.

I covered certainly 40% of Goa in 3 days but wasnt able to cover the rest part.

The best part in this trip i liked was the travelling. I came back via train which almost deal with 40 hrs travelling from Goa to CHD!
Travelling solo doesnt mean that you are travelling alone. You meet new people,you mix up with them, you gossip & laugh & then you become friend.

& I am lucky enough to meet 2 guys, Pankaj & Sumit in the same coach of this train. Both inherited a different background with good knowledge & sense of humour.
At times,especially at night, when we use to bade goodnite to each other, usually the thought that disturbed my mind was ; what is it going on, You came here, you met them, you are laughing as if you know each other since long & then after journey, you ll get seperated.

We talked about everything. From politics to nature, traveling new destinations & cultural values of diff. states, drugs & relationships & at the end, alcohol which mixed up our feelings.

Nov 24, That was the last night & we knew that we dont know whether we ll meet again or not.
I never wanted that journey to be over. I wanted train to take us to the places it itself want us to take.

At the end, as we reached Delhi, Sumit left over the train but Pankaj & me moved on to railway station, though he had to go his place but still he accompanied me.

Butterflies were flying in my mind & stomach & i believe the same was being felt by Pankaj as well.
We had tea & moved on with our discussions on how life goes on. The arrival time for train was 7:40 & it was 7:37 when only 3 minutes were left & i HAD to board the train.

The first i felt that pankaj wanted to say something. I was looking somewhere & he was looking at time as if he wanted me to stay there only. I asked him, you want to say some thing, he tried & stayed mum but nodded his head & we both started laughing.

At the end, i kept my luggage & bade him goodbye & then where he told me, "Milna hai ok, jab bhi Delhi ayogi"
I was like - sure, definetly!
& then we hugged each other & get aparted from there saying, Bye!

While coming back, whenever i closes my eyes, i recall every moment that happened in the whole trip & smile at the things that happened at the trip.

It was no less than a hangover & I still miss it.
But this is what life is & it goes on. You yourself is the creator of your own destiny ,its on you how to go about it.
Traveler - Bhawana from Chandigarh 

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