Wednesday 6 February 2019

#TheSlumHero. #Dehradun

The aim of U.H.Foundation is to empower the underprivileged with education and by spreading awareness about various issues among them and making a difference in their life after seeing the plight of underprivileged children. 

DEHRADUN based U H foundation attempts to create awareness in respect to Dengue and Anemia (DnA) among the children of Government School and children residing in slums to make them confident.
 We believe that " it is not about idea , it`s about making ideas happen. We always prompt to execute ideas and follow by passion.
The U.H. Foundation is standing strong for achieving our goal and constantly working to improve life of many.

Also, one of the most required entertainment program with a talent hunt show and then 
 We thought why not organise a talent hunt contest where we will give the children an opportunity to perform. “This initiative is a mean to harness the talent of the hidden .”  encouraging government schools and orphanages to participate.

 The talent hunt called The Slum Hero was  launched August 2018 finale was held in November 2018.  

The hunt for the participants was set and the team went  to various government schools and orphanages and slums to find children  who might be good in singing and dancing. After wondering for more than a month and having the audition of more than 250 DEHRADUN based under previledged children , team selected 60 kids for semi final. And 20 kids were selected for finale in DEHRADUN Press Club . 

  The kids showcase them  through a stage event in front of audiance .  The audiance  witnessed the dance performances, with classical, hip-hop, contemporary, Bollywood, and group dance acts. The winner and runner up were selected and awarded the cash prize of 10000 and 5000. This was  a small step was taken by U.H.Foundation to start a long journe to harness the hidden talent of the under previledged. 

#UHFoundation. #NGOforUnderPrevidleged  #Dehradun. #NgoforChildren. #TheSlumHero 

Friday 11 January 2019


The skill of individual to protect from harm is basic human right that should be accessible to all specially for children. The skill of greatest importance is often overlooked in the society. The child sexual abuse and bulling is epidemic in present time , it is important to ensure that our children can defend themselves if the need arises.

 The self defense not only educate children to defend themselves against physical attacks , it also glimmers various benefit to them in their life.

In real life , not everything goes right  way. The children  are often met with challenges and obtacles , daunting roadblocks that impede them from getting across one side to another.

The children go throgh various stages and situations , it is necessary to make sure ,make sure ,children are exposed to correct principles of self defense.

Why skill of self defense is of great sigificance ?

1.It accredits children with the knowledge of self defense .

2.It helps to deal with oppresssing situations in society.

3.Through overcoming obstecles and allowing children a deep look inside own capabilites.

4.It teaches children discipline and responsibility.  
Refer a quick photo guide 

Stop Child Sexual Abuse
Hence, in todays world , a child must be SELF DEFENDENT enough to protect him/herself.

NGO for under privileged children in Dehradun 

Wednesday 9 January 2019



his U.H.FOUNDATION is based at Dehradun working for the benefit of
the under privileged children also, aiming not to forget the humanity
sense we were born with. In our country, we only bother about the
seats in the election; anxiety is always about the politics ,cricket,
cinema , worried about who will win the champions trophy.
But no one cares about the plight of children who go to schools with
torn uniform and completely ripped shoes and slippers. This thing is
equal to negligible and seems like even the higher authorities of the
country have least thought about the welfare of children studying in
Government residing in slums. India is the country which spends least
on education.
The parents who are economically deprived usually enroll their kids in
government schools so that their children can become literate and in
future, they can earn for themselves also because book uniform and
meals are provided by government. But system of providing meal and
uniform is full of infirmities.

 The school uniforms were not given on time during winters; dresses
have been given when winter season was ending. Mostly the uniforms
have been distributed randomly without taking the size.  And uniforms
are of such poor quality that they don't even last for a season and
same about the quality of food which are provided by schools. The
U.H.Fondation is making efforts to fill this gap by motivating people
to come forward to help these children.